Science, asked by rhobieJanemacahindog, 9 months ago

gold metal Separating Techniques ? silicon chip separating technique? sugar separating technique? baking soda separating technique? diamond separating technique?​


Answered by barmanbhargab17


Traditionally, cyanide is used to dissolve the gold and the solution is adsorbed into activated carbon granules. More than 400 mineral processing facilities worldwide use this “best available technique (BAT)” for extracting of gold and other metals from low-grade ore.

Sugars and other polyoxy compounds quickly react with borate or borate salts to form negatively charged complexes. In other words, sugars can be separated by anion exchange if using a borate buffer solution as the mobile phase. This method is especially effective in separating disaccharides from monosaccharides.

Baking soda is soluble in water. Rinse the mix through a filter with water. The sand will remain in the filter while the baking soda dissolves in the.

How are diamonds separated from ore?

There are different stages when analysing the diamond separation process. Underground mining methods involve the blasting of ore, to be removed from under the ground. The ore is collected and brought to the surface for processing. Once the ore is retrieved, the diamond processing begins. The different phases in separating diamonds from ore include:

Phase 1 - Crushing of the ore: The diamond-bearing ore is transported to a primary crusher, to crush the ore in to smaller particles, making it easier to handle (no bigger than 150mm).

Phase 2 - Scrubbing and screening: Scrubbing the ore will help to remove all loose particles that are not considered diamond-bearing. Screening also helps to separate finer particles, in order to get rid of excess material.

Phase 3 - Dense media separation plant: The next phase involves a process called dense media separation or heavy medium separation. Ferrosilicon is mixed with water to create a medium with a specific density, which is then fed into a cyclone. The diamond-bearing ore is then added to the mixture, so that the tumbling movement of the cyclone can let the separation take place. Heavier particles (the diamonds and minerals) will sink to the bottom, while lighter material will float. This leaves a layer of diamond rich concentrate, for easy diamond recover.

Dense Media Separation is a very quick, effective and cost-efficient method of diamond recovery. It is used by diamond plants across the globe for the recovery of diamonds and minerals.

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