Gonu and Monu aged 9 and 11 respectively belonged to a remote village in the State of Jharkhand. Their father sold them to a bangle manufacturer of Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh for Rs. 2,000 each. They were made to work in a factory where many more children were already working under extremely unhealthy and hazardous conditions. They were not given enough food to eat and they hardly got time to sleep. In case they got hurt or burnt or fell ill, they were beaten up, tortured and forced to work for more than 18-20 hours. Some children who managed to escape from there, went to other cities and continued to beg, steal. They always dreamt of meeting their parents, but they could never do so. Which fundamental rights are violated in this story
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There is a right that no child should do labour in factories, industries, etc before the age of 18 and a child should also study till he/she 14 years.
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Gonu and Monu's Human fundamental rights, and right to education, right to live a standard living and many other rights were violated.
In India, there are several rights passed by the constitution of India for children aged under 18 years.
Some of them are discussed as follows-
- Every child has the right to life.
- Every child has the right to education.
- Every child has the freedom of speech, recognition and to be discrimination-free.
- Every child has the right to be protected from child trafficking, abuse or any means of sexual exploitation.
- Every child has the right to be protected from the bonded labourer.
- Every child has the right to participate and develop.
these are some basic human rights of every child who were under the age of eighteen.
To know more about "Human Rights" click on the link below
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