English, asked by palakthumbar1, 1 year ago

Good afternoon friends, can you explain me the meaning of this sentence, "He had a significant influence on a diverge range of poets and writers."

NishantShandilya: www. brainly.in
NishantShandilya: then go to my profile
palakthumbar1: u only do it na
NishantShandilya: click on message
palakthumbar1: exams r going
palakthumbar1: i m busy
NishantShandilya: ooo sorry
NishantShandilya: but u had blocked so u can only do this
NishantShandilya: ok leave it
NishantShandilya: gud bye


Answered by 14Pinky14
British Association for American Studies All rights reserved. No part of this pamphlet may he reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. The publication of a pamphlet by the British Association for American Studies does not necessarily imply the Association's official approbation of the opinions expressed therein.

Answered by KunalRanjan1
here is your answer hope this will help hope this will help you
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