English, asked by simplyn4377, 6 months ago

Good and bad neighbours ESSAY


Answered by Anonymous



It will be no exaggeration to say that neighbor is nearer than God. In other words neighbor helps the man when he is in difficulty, shares the joys and the sorrows, and takes active interest in the household affairs and is also prepared to help whenever it is needed. Neighbors can make the life hell of heaven by their actions. That is why the old adage says that one should select the neighbor first and then the house.

A bad neighbor might be a source of continual trouble. If the neighbor feels jealous of you, he can make your life a hell. Such neighbor will start inciting your servant and talk against you to the menials. They will also connect thousand types of stories about your wealth and also the way you have earned money. More­over, they will pass ironical remarks whenever you talk to them and manifest their jealousy even through their words. Your fine dresses will be criticized on one of the other grounds, or you may be called uncivilized person who does not know the way to wear good clothes.

A bad neighbor may disturb the peace of your mind. They would play their stereo at so high a pitch that you may be unable to concentrate on what you are studying. These ratio might not allow you to sleep at a proper time. Similarly, they may start quarrelling at a time when you had just gone to bed. A bad neighbor makes your life almost a hell. Similarly, they might shout so loudly that you might feel disturbed in your prayers of meditation.

A bad neighbor may prove to be dangerous in a secret man­ner also. Neighbors have the right to know about your affairs at home. They know that sometimes you have some quarrel with your wife or with your children. They would try to misuse this informa­tion for one or the other purpose. They would propagate among your acquaintances that you are not a considerate husband. Some­times they become a source of hindrance in matrimonial alliances. They never like that the neighbor’s son should be married with a girl of his own choice. They would also pass many remarks about the younger girl in the family Their subject of talk is generally their neighbors. They criticize and praise in the same breath.

An indifferent neighbor may also be a source of misery. In bigger cities the neighbors are completely indifferent. As a result of it man’s social life comes to an end. He starts feeling somewhat lonely and he starts thinking that perhaps people do not want to cooperate with him.

Then neighbors sometime become extremely familiar with you and they steal many things for which you can take no legal action. They may imitate the latest fashion of your saree which they might have known after spending a lot of time and energy. Sometimes they make an unnecessary claim upon your time and they come to you whenever they think that they are free Similarly, they just try to count upon your generosity whenever they are benefited. So neighbors particularly bad neighbors are strange fellows who make claim upon your privacy. A bad neighbor is a curse.



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