Chemistry, asked by riya666619, 11 months ago


Give me upto 30 elements..

With their charges ❗❗​


Answered by anshikaverma29

hydrogen+1          calcium+2

lithium+1                oxygen-2







Answered by mohitsingh2641

Table of Common Element Charges


Element Charge

1 hydrogen 1+

2 helium 0

3 lithium 1+

4 beryllium 2+

5 boron 3-, 3+

6 carbon 4+

7 nitrogen 3-

8 oxygen 2-

9 fluorine 1-

10 neon 0

11 sodium 1+

12 magnesium 2+

13 aluminum 3+

14 silicon 4+, 4-

15 phosphorus 5+, 3+, 3-

16 sulfur 2-, 2+, 4+, 6+

17 chlorine 1-

18 argon 0

19 potassium 1+

20 calcium 2+

21 scandium 3+

22 titanium 4+, 3+

23 vanadium 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+

24 chromium 2+, 3+, 6+

25 manganese 2+, 4+, 7+

26 iron 2+, 3+

27 cobalt 2+, 3+

28 nickel 2+

29 copper 1+, 2+

30 zinc 2+

31 gallium 3+

32 germanium 4-, 2+, 4+

33 arsenic 3-, 3+, 5+

34 selenium 2-, 4+, 6+

35 bromine 1-, 1+, 5+

36 krypton 0

37 rubidium 1+

38 strontium 2+

39 yttrium 3+

40 zirconium 4+

41 niobium 3+, 5+

42 molybdenum 3+, 6+

43 technetium 6+

44 ruthenium 3+, 4+, 8+

45 rhodium 4+

46 palladium 2+, 4+

47 silver 1+

48 cadmium 2+

49 indium 3+

50 tin 2+, 4+

51 antimony 3-, 3+, 5+

52 tellurium 2-, 4+, 6+

53 iodine 1-

54 xenon 0

55 cesium 1+

56 barium 2+

57 lanthanum 3+

58 cerium 3+, 4+

59 praseodymium 3+

60 neodymium 3+, 4+

61 promethium 3+

62 samarium 3+

63 europium 3+

64 gadolinium 3+

65 terbium 3+, 4+

66 dysprosium 3+

67 holmium 3+

68 erbium 3+

69 thulium 3+

70 ytterbium 3+

71 lutetium 3+

72 hafnium 4+

73 tantalum 5+

74 tungsten 6+

75 rhenium 2+, 4+, 6+, 7+

76 osmium 3+, 4+, 6+, 8+

77 iridium 3+, 4+, 6+

78 platinum 2+, 4+, 6+

79 gold 1+, 2+, 3+

80 mercury 1+, 2+

81 thallium 1+, 3+

82 lead 2+, 4+

83 bismuth 3+

84 polonium 2+, 4+

85 astatine ?

86 radon 0

87 francium ?

88 radium 2+

89 actinium 3+

90 thorium 4+

91 protactinium 5+

92 uranium 3+, 4+, 6+

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mohitsingh2641: hi
mohitsingh2641: mark me as brainliest pls...
mohitsingh2641: thanks
rajviiiiiii: thanks
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