Good management can lead to the sucess of a business entity. With the aid of field reseach analyse the vaibility of the fuctions of management ?
Despite the differences between leadership and management, the two often coexist side by side. I know many business leaders who maintain excellent management skills, bring solid mechanisms to the business and perform detailed organizational planning. Likewise, good managers often possess leadership skills that help motivate and inspire employees. The functions of the two, however, must not be separated.
Companies—especially small ones—may survive in the short term with just a leader at the helm. For long-term survival, however, management is crucial. At the very least, leaders need to recognize the management function as a way of achieving the company goals.
Procedures are a Function of ManagementProcesses and procedures are the foundation of a well-oiled business machine. A company with little or no established procedures will react to situations as they arise. In contrast, an organization with well-defined plans and mechanisms can handle all aspects of the business without ever going into crisis mode.
When mechanisms that follow the company’s mission are put into place, the organization can basically run itself. A successful company has established standards for everything— from payroll and advertising to hiring employees and answering the phone. And when you combine formal and informal operating procedures with an environment that rewards innovative thinking, employees see “the big picture” and are motivated to increase efficiency and productivity.
People Fulfill the MissionHaving the right people in management positions is also key. The leader of the company is the person who inspires and motivates employees to be the best that they can be, but it is management that creates the processes and procedures to fulfill that goal. Well-defined procedures for recruiting, interviewing, testing, training and evaluating employees allow the company to focus on the kinds of people and the talents needed for each individual job. Successful processes and procedures are dependent on hiring the right people.
Through organization, planning and direction, good managers are able to lead employees to perform their best work. However, it is the leader of the company who will energize the people, initiate change and set the spirit and culture of the company. Leaders are there to motivate others. Management has the job of making sure all the followers stay on task and focused.
Management is Key to GrowthSmall companies or one-owner start-ups are often over-led and under-managed. A business owner who stays involved in every aspect of running the company and puts no procedures or processes in place will inevitably suffer from unanticipated problems and general chaos. On the other hand, huge bureaucracies are often over-managed and under-led. With no one willing to think outside the box and stray from rigid structures, employees become bored and unmotivated. Processes and procedures that once worked are no longer useful to the company.
Successful companies start with a great leader and include a system of management that can fulfill the company’s vision. Just as people will follow all types of leadership styles, there are many different ways to accomplish management functions. The important thing is to recognize that you do need both.
Everything you need to know about the functions of management. Management is the process of getting things done through others.
This process is identified in a set of functions performed by managers to accomplish the goals. Management in an organization plays a dominant role to achieve the targeted goals of profit maximization and increased market share.
The main aim of management is to achieve the organisational goals while using the organisational resources most effectively.
Management is what management does. It is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups. We manage an organisation to achieve certain objectives and goals.
For this purpose, the manager performs some fundamental functions. They are called managerial functions and basically consist of five elements.
The functions of management are:- 1. Planning 2. Organising 3. Staffing 4. Directing 5. Controlling 6. Co-Ordination 7. Co-Operation
Many management experts have discussed the functions of management. But there is no unanimity among them about the classification of managerial functions. The chief reason for this lack of unanimity is that the different management experts discussed the management functions by studying different organisations and from different angles. We give here the classifications given by some of the writers.