good morning guys
guys pls give me imporatance of our parents in our life
pls dont copy from google just right the answer by ur own what are ur fillings abt ur parents

You know parents are like fruits tree they give us fruits whenever you want. Like when you want some thing from your parents then they give you what you want.Parents dedicate all their life for you. Parents are the most precious and valuable things you have.They always think of you and be with you at any moment of time.
So dont hurt them and dont make them sad.If you make them sad or hurt you have made a biggest sin your life.The main thing the parents get hurt are dont tell them lies in any time.Be truthful to your parents if do you something wrong they will suggest you to do the correct thing.
Father & Mother play important role in our mental, physical, social, financial and career development. They help us in every step of our life. Parents are the most precious gift of God for humans. ... Parents are living for us.