Good Morning Guys...
I need neat diagram of Internal Structure of the heart..
I need a easy diagram for now.
Plz guys...
I need to draw now in Writing Skills Book.
Today at Morning I've to submit.
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→ Heart is a hollow, muscular organ present in between two lungs in tye thoraric cavity. It's size is about one's fist.
→ It's weight in male is 300 gm and 250 gm in female. It's is reddish brown in colour.
→ It's upper broad part is known as base and lower part is known as Apex.
→ It's is 12 cm long and 6 cm wide.
→ It's is protected by a double members called pericardium, comprising inner visceral pericardium and outer parietal pericardium.
→ Between these layers there is a fluid called pericardium fluid. This fluid provides moisture to the heart and reduce the friction between heart wall and surrounding tissue.
→ A human heart is four chambered. Two upper; smaller chambers called atria and the lower; longer chambers called ventricle.
→ The atrium and ventricle of the same side are separated by atrio-ventricular septum.
→ Atrial septum separates the left and right atria.
→ Inter ventricular septum separates the left and right ventricles.
→ The opening between right atrium and ventricle is guarded by a valve called Tricupsid valve.
→ And the opening between left atrium and ventricle is guarded by a Bicuspid valve.
→ Valves prevent the backward flow of blood and allow the blood to flow in one direction only.
{» T.V. = Tricupsid valve
» B.V. = Bicuspid valve}
→ Heart is a hollow, muscular organ present in between two lungs in tye thoraric cavity. It's size is about one's fist.
→ It's weight in male is 300 gm and 250 gm in female. It's is reddish brown in colour.
→ It's upper broad part is known as base and lower part is known as Apex.
→ It's is 12 cm long and 6 cm wide.
→ It's is protected by a double members called pericardium, comprising inner visceral pericardium and outer parietal pericardium.
→ Between these layers there is a fluid called pericardium fluid. This fluid provides moisture to the heart and reduce the friction between heart wall and surrounding tissue.
→ A human heart is four chambered. Two upper; smaller chambers called atria and the lower; longer chambers called ventricle.
→ The atrium and ventricle of the same side are separated by atrio-ventricular septum.
→ Atrial septum separates the left and right atria.
→ Inter ventricular septum separates the left and right ventricles.
→ The opening between right atrium and ventricle is guarded by a valve called Tricupsid valve.
→ And the opening between left atrium and ventricle is guarded by a Bicuspid valve.
→ Valves prevent the backward flow of blood and allow the blood to flow in one direction only.
{» T.V. = Tricupsid valve
» B.V. = Bicuspid valve}

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