governance of the vardhanas
During the rule of Vardhana, the administration was at its peak of improvement. The system of Governance was divided into
As the Gupta Empire disintegrated, the kingdom
of Sthameshwar emerged as a seat of power in
the region of Kanauj (earlier known as Thanes
war). The first known king of this kingdom was
Pushyabhuti. Their forefathers were never full
kings as they were subordinates or appointed
officials under the Imperial Guptas or the Hunas.
Many records testify the rise of the Vardhanas to
power and how they flourislied under
Prabhakaravardhana and his two sons,
Rajyavardhana and Harshavardhana.
Harshavardhana, the younger son of
Prabhakaravardhana, belonged to the
Pushyabhuti family who ruled in Thanesar. north
of Delhi. He ascended the throne in ad 606 in
difficult circumstances at a very young age of 16
years. Prabhakaravardhana had a daughter,
Rajyashree, who was married to Grihavarman.
the Maukhan King of Kanauj. After
Prabhakaravardhana's death, the King of Malwa.
Devaguptu, attacked Kanauj, killed
Grihavarmun and look Rajyashree as a prisoner.
His elder brother, Rajyavardhana, who had
succeeded his father to the throne, attacked the
Malwa king to restore Kanauj and free his sister.
Rajyavardhana was killed in the battle and it was
later llarshavardhana who defeated Devagupta
and his allies and reclaimed Kanauj.