Science, asked by honet85, 11 months ago

gravity increase or decrease when we go perpendicular to earth


Answered by excecutor
In a general sense, what you are asking is the relationship between gravity and the distance between masses. All masses in the universe are associated with a gravitational force that is proportional to it. Gravity is a force of attraction that attracts masses towards each other.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation:

Relationship between Gravity and Mass:

Mass of the objects is directly proportional to the gravitational force. (i.e., As mass increases, gravity also increases). If the mass of one of the objects is doubled, then the gravitational force between them is also doubled. If the mass of one of the objects is tripled, then the gravitational force between them is also tripled. If the mass of both the objects is doubled, then the force of gravity between them is quadrupled.

Relationship between Gravity and Distance:

At the same time, gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the interacting objects.(i.e., As the distance between the objects increases, the gravitational force decreases even faster). If the distance between the objects is doubled(increased by a factor of 2), then the gravitational force is decreased by a factor of 4(2^2). If the distance between the objects is tripled(increased by a factor of 3), then the gravitational force is decreased by a factor of 9(3^3).

Relationship between Gravity and Height:

Gravity causes the object with a smaller mass to move towards the object with a larger mass as the larger object exerts more gravitational force than the smaller object. Since Earth has a very large mass, it’s gravitational force of attraction is so large that it makes all objects on Earth which have relatively negligible mass fall towards Earth if allowed. As the height of the object(the distance from Earth’s surface) increases, the gravitational force decreases and vice versa. If an object starts free-falling from a certain height, then the gravitational force increases as it falls down reaching a maximum when it touches down.

As others have noted, the acceleration of gravity decreases proportional to the square of the distance to the center of the earth.  There are smaller effects from large local masses and the rotation of the earth, but for small changes in height on the surface of the earth, the difference in g is a decrease of about 3 micrometers per second squared for every 1 meter of height.  

The force of gravity between two objects equals to


Where m and M are the masses of the two objects, R is the distance between their centers of masses, and G is the gravitational constant- a certain number that dictates the strength of gravity in our universe.

Or, basically, gravity grows weak with distance. So, as you go higer up, gravity weakens.

Answered by hrishabha9
gravity will decrease

As you travel away from the Earth's surface, your mass stays the same but your weight reduces as gravitational pull decreases.

... "The experience of weight is through that counteracting force of the ground pushing back on you as you're pushing down on theground, because gravity is pulling you down.

hope it helps !
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