Chinese, asked by Abhigyan527, 2 months ago

Green city topic we have write 150- 200 words in green city topic


Answered by mannatverma912


The word green here refers to the plantation of the trees in the cities. Trees are the one who enhances the beauty of the city as well as gives many environmental benefits.

Trees are the one which directly connects the human being with nature, as in modern society no one as the time to meet with nature. As the trees gave the green color, the color signifies calmness and coolness, it helps the human brain to come out from the strain.

A human being should plant as many trees as possible it has several benefits such as improves the surrounding, reduces pollution, lowers the cost of the energies, improves the beauty of the community and also increase the value of the property.

For example, if we want to see our residential area, if it surrounds with greenery automatically the rate value of the hose will be increased as compared to those who don’t surround.

Answered by amrithaadithya2010


We all want our surroundings to be clean and green, but it gets noticed that most of us don’t get involved in the cleanliness of our cities.


We all want our surroundings to be clean and green, but it gets noticed that most of us don’t get involved in the cleanliness of our cities.

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