Social Sciences, asked by giraversen21351, 3 months ago

green revolunion is related with​


Answered by ankitbaniya240


Agriculture, its is related to huge production of crops like wheat and rice in Punjab, Haryana and Eastern U.P

Answered by oeiseghosh


The renovation of agricultural practices for better yield is referred to as the Green Revolution. It first began in Mexico in the 1940s and its success soon led to the spread of the Green Revolution worldwide. The period when Indian agriculture was converted into an industrial system is referred to as the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution was found by M.S. Swaminathan. Punjab was the first state in India where the Green revolution began. The Third Agricultural Revolution is another name for the Green Revolution. Production of higher-yielding varieties of wheat was the main development of the Green Revolution. It developed rust-resistant varieties of wheat. The increase in the production was due to the introduction of high yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds and the good quality of fertilizers. Improved irrigation techniques also helped in increased production. The Green Revolution helped the country to become self-sufficient in food grains. This led to an improvement in the agriculture system in India.

Hence, the Green Revolution is associated with Agriculture,

Note: As production increased, the farmers became more enthusiastic about their work.

However, there are many negative effects of the Green revolution. It led to the loss of soil fertility, soil toxicity, and soils got eroded away. Underground water became polluted, human and livestock diseases increased at a significant rate. The green revolution also led to global warming.

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