Green skill is used to boost the economy.
yes , Green Skill is used to boost the economy
Environmental change is an increasingly important driver of labour demand and skills supply across all sectors. Therefore, the positive impacts of the transition to a greener economy can be maximised by simultaneously developing the skills, knowledge and competences required by resource-efficient processes and technologies; and integrating these into businesses and communities. To this end, Cedefop’s relevant work explores employment effects, skill requirements and policy implications of thetransition towards a greener economy. The main aims are to investigate the expected impact of environmental and climate change policies on future skills demand within and across sectors, and to provide insights for effective training and education policies and initiatives.
In the relevant Cedefop publications specific economic activities and occupational profiles are highlighted to identify where existing competences are being enhanced; additional or new competences are emerging; and other competences are becoming obsolete as a result of the greening of the European economy. By comparing experiencesand strategic responses across countries, Cedefop provides stakeholders and social partners with examples of good practice to shape the way in which education and training systems can be adjusted, upgraded and/or refocused so that learners and workers are suitably equipped with the right skills.
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