English, asked by ganeshalamelu2005, 5 months ago

Grizzly bears - born - full of courage - devoid - all sense of fear - little cyclone - cub - from
Alaska - earned - name - vigour of his resistance - ill-treatment - mother fired - timbered
hill side - ran - as fast as - legs - carry them - cuddled up - slept - peacefully - morning
awakened - brother - fight - fierce - terrible - nervous. They - not wish to be cowed -
dominated - opponents.​


Answered by abdulhameed2792


little cyclone is a grizzle cub from Alaska it had Fluffy hair to big black eyes which sparkled like jet beats He was born full of courage and devoid of all since of fear The Little cyclone seized by the captour rescued by the friendly hand of thezoological society He was sent to new York zoological park The zoological park is big yard and it never contain fever than six cubs little czar is was the very good European Brown Bear He aimed at Sample blow cyclone left here but grizzle cub gave a quick shot czar in fled in wild haste next cyclone was attacked by Black bear little cyclone carefully and meticulously met every attack that was made up on him all the bear in the nursery understood That little cyclone can fight any other bear on 3 second notice He could also strike any one hard and quickly

Moral Be Bold And Courage to deal with he unexepted situtation

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