(Short Answer-type Questions)
Answer the following in three sentences each:
(i) What is taxonomical hierarchy?
(ii) Explain the concept of species.
(iii) State the usefulness of taxonomic tools.
name in respect of man, housefly, mango and wheat.
(V) What are the objectives of zoological parks?
Differentiate between two words in the following pairs of words:
(i) Anabolism and Catabolism
(ii) Archaea and Bacteria
(iii) Taxonomy and Systematics
(iv) Genus and Species
(v) Museum and Herbarium
(iv) Write down the names of the phylum, class, order and family, and the scientific
- taxonimical hierarchy is the process in which the organisms are divided into division...phyllum...class...sub class....etc
- species are the similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding
- anabolism us the constructive which the similar molecule combine and form complex molecules ex; photosynthesis.......catabolism is the disttuctive Pathway in which the complex molecules are broke down to form similar molecules ex; respiration
How many soldiers were there in The Light Brigade?
(a) Seven hundred soldiers
(b) Six hundred soldiers
(c) Eight hundred soldiers
(d) None of theseIn the end, of the roughly 670 Light Brigade soldiers, about 110 were killed and 160 were wounded, a 40 percent casualty rate. They also lost approximately 375 horses. Despite failing to overrun Balaclava, the Russians claimed victory in the battle, parading their captured artillery guns through Sevastopol.In the end, of the roughly 670 Light Brigade soldiers, about 110 were killed and 160 were wounded, a 40 percent casualty rate. They also lost approximately 375 horses. Despite failing to overrun Balaclava, the Russians claimed victory in the battle, parading their captured artillery guns through Sevastopol.