Growth of National Income - critical appraisal of existing development indicators (PCI, IMR, SR and other income and health indicators)
In this statement what is the full form of SR??
From class 10!
Chapter : development(economics)
PCI per capita income
IMR infant mortality rate
SR sex ratio
Human Development Indicators promulgated yearly by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which present broad dimensions of well-being globally. There are three data dimensions which is given by UNDP such as life expectancy, education, and acquiring power parity. The UNDP also publishes the annual Human Development Report.
The development indicators are as follows;
PCI: per capita income
When the total revenue of the nation is divided by the number of the population, it is described as per capita income.
IMR: Infant mortality rate;
It designates the number of children that perish before the age of 1 yr as a proportion of 1000 subsisting babies born in that year.
SR: Sex Ratio
It is determined as the proportion of boys to girls in a community.