guidlines for quality assurance of human blood products and large volume parentrals
Guidelines for quality assurance of human blood products and large volume parenterals are as follows:-
1)Collection of blood for fractionation should be done properly.
2)Inactivation of virus by solvent detergent treatment, heating of lyiophilized products under humidified conditions, pasteurization of albumin etc. should be followed.
3)Concentration of RBC, WBC and Platelets should be maintained including cryoprecipitate or say concentrate of anti hemophiliac factor.
4)Many procedures are there through which removal and inactivation of virus can be done to be robust amd provide safety to the blood product and blood borne diseases through precipitation and nanofiltration.
5)Fresh frozen plasma should always be collected from licensed blood banks stored in 20°C after examining if it contains any disease.