English, asked by shahednamirah, 3 months ago

gun and filming such animals. Read it carefully and then answer Questions 14-19.
it so that it is unaware of his presence. He must have a thorough knowledge 5
move. He must be gifted with powers of endurance and patience because
The article below compares the skills and danger involved in shooting wild animals with a
No one can deny there is a certain skill in shooting a charging rhino or an alert
wildebeest at a range of 200 metres. Filming such animals, however, is far
more difficult. The photographer must possess a considerable degree of
jungle craft to get very close to his subject and remain constantly downwind of
Text 3
of the animal's habits so that he will know
where to find
it and which way it will
often, after a long exhausting wait in the blazing sun, he will in the end be
outwitted by the animal's keener senses, or deceived by his false expectation
of what it will do.
Hunters often say there is no risk involved in filming. They claim, rightly, that a
tiger is at its most dangerous when wounded and that a photographer does
not have to follow up a wounded animal as they often have to do. They say
that therefore close-up photography is a much less hazardous business. Yet
the hunter is superhly quinned


Answered by ridipta9087


will give ur answer later....

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