Guys can you all list down some important questions for history class 10?
1. Rowlaat act.
2. Satyagraha.
3. Civil Disobedience Moment( most important)
Chapter 1: The First War of Independence, 18571.What was the immediate cause of the revolt of 1857?[2M]2.Explain two economic causes that led to the revolt of 1857.[2M]3.Discuss any three results of the revolt of 1857.[3M]Chapter 2:Growth of Nationalism1.State two early demands of the Indian National Congress.[2M]2.Mention any of the three factors that gaverise to the growth of nationalism in India. [3M]3.Look at the picture below and answer the questions that follow:a.Identify the person in the picture.[1M]b.Mention any of his two social contributions.[2M]Chapter 3:Programmes and Achievements of the Early Nationalists1.What methods did the Early Nationalists use to achieve their objectives?[2M]2.State any two contributions of Surendranath Banerjee.[2M]