guys please help me with this question and whoever will give me the answer I will mark them as brainlist but I don't want any useless answer
a. it is chloroplast
b. granum, chlorophyll ,stroma
c. photosynthesis and storing of food
d. Photosynthesis: photochemical reaction during which complex compounds like glucose are made from simple substances like carbon dioxide, water , sunlight, etc in chloroplast by all green plants is called photosynthesis
e. photo synthesis is a basic life process . It is the base of all the life process. without photosynthesis no Life processes take place
I wish you keep my answer as brainliest
thank you.
A) chloroplast
D)photosynthesis is process by which living plant cells,containing chlorophyll produce food substances from carbon dioxide and water by using light energy .plant releases oxygen as a waste product during photosynthesis
E)photosynthesis is the source of energy food and oxygen