Physics, asked by kritikasinha83823, 22 days ago

Guys please solve the above question in the attachment

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Answered by X1xxLegendxx1X


Hello Mate Simple Answer ⬇️


\huge{\boxed{\boxed{\red{\ulcorner{\mid{ \overline{\underline{\bf{Question:-}}}}}\mid}}}}

A pendulum has a frequency of 5 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fires a gun simultaneously. He hears a echo from the Cliff after 8 Vibrations of the Pendulum. If the Velocity of the Air is 340m/s Find the distance between the Cliff and Observer.

\huge{\boxed{\boxed{\green{\ulcorner{\mid{ \overline{\underline{\bf{Answer:-}}}}}\mid}}}}

Given : Frequency of pendulum = 5

vibrations/sec. ∴

Time taken = 8/5 = 1.6 sec.

Velocity of sound = 340 m/sec. ∴

d = 272.0 m/sec.

\huge{\boxed{\boxed{\pink{\ulcorner{\mid{ \overline{\underline{\bf{More:-}}}}}\mid}}}}

The sensation of any sound persists in our ear for about 0.1 seconds. This is known as the persistence of hearing. If the echo is heard within this time interval, the original sound and its echo cannot be distinguished. So the most important condition for hearing an echo is that the reflected sound should reach the ear only after a lapse of at least 0.1 second after the original sound dies off. 

It is given that a pendulum has a frequency of 5 vibrations per second. An observer starts the pendulum and fire a gun simultaneously. He hears echo from the cliff after 8 vibrations of the pendulum which means that he hears the echo after 1.6 seconds. The speed of sound is given as 340m/s.

The distance traveled by sound of the gun shot in 1.6 seconds is calculated from the formula 

Distance traveled =velocityofsound×timetaken. That is, 340×1.6 = 544 m. This is twice the minimum distance between a source of sound (man) and the reflector (cliff) as it is reflected sound. 

So, the cliff is at a distance of 272 m least from the man, for the reflected sound or the echo to be heard distinctly in 1.6 seconds.

Answered by XxLegendxX


didi kaha gayeee


your answer

Given : Frequency of pendulum = 5

vibrations/sec. ∴

Time taken = 8/5 = 1.6 sec.

Velocity of sound = 340 m/sec. ∴

d = 272.0 m/sec.

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