Guys ... pls help me out .. fst
Also..plz don't give unnecessary answer if u don't know ...plz..
1 The Laissez-faire or Free-rein leadership
2 Democratic or Participative leadership
3 Autocratic or Authoritarian leadership
laissez faire - The laissez-faire or non-interfering type of leader passes on the responsibility for decision-making to his subordinates and takes a minimum of initiative in administration. He gives no direction and allows the group to establish its own goals and work out its own problems.
democratic -Participative or democratic leaders decentralise authority. It is characterised by consultation with the subordinates and their participation in the formulation of plans and policies. He encourages participation in decision-making.
Autocratic - An autocratic leader centralizes power and decision-making in himself. He gives orders, assigns tasks and duties without consulting the employees. The leader takes full authority and assumes full responsibility.
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please sis don't be sad
i am always with u
sis tu hora ware na socho tuc khush rho
loki ta dukhi krn da bhana labh de ne
khush koi ni rhn denda
mere nal v same aw hi situation aw
vse tuc kisi nu love krde ho??