Q3 - What is gender ? Write its types
with examples.
the division of nouns, pronouns, etc. into different classes (masculine, feminine and neuter); one of these three types is called Gender
Types of Gender
MASCULINE GENDER-- masculine is something male or relating to or suitable for a boy or man. An example of masculine used as an adjective is a masculine child, a baby boy.
The boy is very hungry
The man is walking along the road
FEMININE GENDER-- Relating or belonging to the gender of words or forms that refer chiefly to females or to things grammatically classified as female.
The girl is very hungry
The woman is walking along the road
NEUTER GENDER -- A noun that denotes a lifeless thing is called Neuter Gender. Neuter means neither male nor female. Few Examples of Neuter Gender are : Pen. Pencil.
COMMON GENDER -- Nouns like baby, parent, student, cook, and fish are examples of common gender nouns. They can refer to either the male or female gender. The word author is another example of a common gender noun that can be used to refer to either male or female writers of books or stories.