1. Jeff loves the water and wants to learn how to surf. However, Jeff does not know how to swim. His friends told him he should learn how to swim before he learns how to surf. So he took swimming lessons for a few months. Once Jeff knew how to swim, he signed up for a surf class.
2. This past weekend, Henry wants to do his laundry in the laundry room of his apartment building. The washing machines and dryers had always accepted coins, but when he got there he found that all of the machines had been switched to receive only bills. Henry was happy to see that he wouldn’t have to go out of his way to got coins anymore.
3. John has been working abroad for several years. He likes his job a lot, but he also has his family in his home country. He does not know whether he should stay or go back home. One day, a university in his hometown offered him a job as a professor. It was his dream job. He accepted the offer immediately and his family was very happy.
4. Anna and her friends had a great weekend. They met early on Saturday morning and drove to the country. They hiked up a small mountain and had a picnic. Then, they found a great camping spot next to a river. They slept outside under the stars.
5. James lives on the fifth floor of an apartment building. Every day he takes the elevator to get from the ground floor to the fifth floor and back. One day, the elevator wasn’t working. He told the building manager, but the manager couldn’t fix it for a week. James had to take the stairs for several days.
6. Sarah did not like her job. She thought it was boring. But her job was very close to her house. She could walk to work every day. Sarah was offered a better job, but the new company was far from her house. After a lot of thought, she decided to take the job and also move closer to the new office. That way, she could still walk to work.
7. Paul wakes up early every day so that he can be at work on time. He sets his alarm for the same time every morning. One day, Paul’s alarm didn’t go off and he didn’t wake up until noon. He arrived to work very late and missed a meeting.
8. James and Ann were driving to the airport. Ann asked James if he had remembered to take his passport. He realized that he had forgotten it. He had left it in his jacket pocket at home. They turned around to pick it up. They arrived at the airport just in time to catch their flight.
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make it part wise.
jai hind .
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