English, asked by jeetuaxis, 2 months ago

h. They rushed for their lives when fire broke out on the floor below.______
i. Robin Hood stole the king's crown later._________
1. We only write to each other very occasionally_______
k. The brothers were badly injured in the fight._________
I. The accident victim nearly died from his injuries._________
m. I'm going to clean my room tomorrow__________
n. Sometimes he stays late in the office to complete his work.________
o. Our cat was bitten twice by the same dog.__________
p. At the advanced age of 88, she still sang very well._________
q. They were almost fifty when they got married__________
r. She is not nearly always right although she thinks she is always right._____

identify the adverb and state its kind​


Answered by shreyvshah26


what do we have to do ?


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