हेल्प मी टू सॉल्व दिस क्वेश्चन प्लीज
1. The exam was more long than expected.
2. He is a too suspicious character.
3. She's always telling lies.
4. I don't know where she is.
5. Tell him to come not.
6. They left their daughter without mean.
7. I don't know weather he will come or not.
8. He said her the whole story.
9. The comparison is not as depressing as it seems to be.
10. How are you doing?
11. This house needs to clean.
12. I am going at the bakery.
13. I would like a tea cup with a sugar.
14. How many times will it last?
15. I wish I was rich.
correct : at
incorrect :an
correct : a
incorrect :get
correct : got
incorrect : gasped
correct : was gasping
incorrect :for
correct : to
incorrect : for
correct : in
incorrect :a
correct : the
incorrect :gifts
correct : gift
incorrect : were
correct : are