Hindi, asked by mgvaije, 9 months ago

हिंदी दिवस पर कविता in 2 paragraphs


Answered by dipakghi1


HINDI DIWAS ESSAY 2 (300 WORDS)IntroductionThe constitution of India adopted Hindi written in Devnagari script as the official language ofthe country under Article 343 back in January 1950. With this, both Hindi and English beganto be used officially at the Union Government of India level. Hindi Diwas is observed on the14thof September each year as on this date in the year 1949 the Constituent Assembly ofIndia adopted our mother tongue as the nation’s official language.The Importance of Hindi DiwasHindi Diwas is celebrated to rejoice the day Hindi became the official language of ourcountry. It is also observed each year to stress upon the importance of Hindi and promote itamid the generation which is way too impressed with English. It is a way of reminding theyouth about their roots. No matter where we reach and what we do, if we remain groundedand in-sync with our roots, we stay unshakable. Each year, the day reminds us of our trueidentity and unites us with the people of our country. No matter, wherever we go ourlanguage, culture and values must stay intact and the day serves as a reminder for the same.Hindi Diwas is one such day that instils us with patriotic feeling.In today’s times, there is an inclination towards English which is understood as it is usedacross the world and is also one of the official languages of India. This day is a small effort toremind us that Hindi too is our official language and holds as much importance.ConclusionWhile English is a globally used language and the importance of the same cannot beoverlooked, we must not forget that we are Indians first and must respect our nationallanguage. The adoption of Hindi as an official language proves that the people in powervalue their roots and want the people of their country to value them too.

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