हाउ कैन वी मेक अ बुलेटेड लिस्ट विद नंबर
To create ordered list in HTML, use the <ol> tag. Ordered list starts with the <ol> tag. The list item starts with the <li> tag and will be marked as numbers, lowercase letters uppercase letters, roman letters, etc. The default numbers for list items.
For creating an ordered list with numbers, use the <ol> tag attribute type. This attribute will assign the value number i.e. <ol type = “1”> to create ordered list numbered with numbers.
You can try to run the following code to create an ordered list of list items numbered with numbers in HTML −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>World Cup Teams</title>
<h1>List of teams for World Cup</h1>
<ol type = "1">
<li>South Africa</li>
<li>New Zealand</li>
<li>West Indies</li>
Hope this helps you
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