हाउ कैन वी से द बर्निंग ऑफ कैंडल इज ए केमिकल चेंज व्हाट द मीनिंग ऑफ बल्ब इन फिजिकल चेंज
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Burning of the candle is both physical and chemical change. Burning of candle melts the wax and hence physical state of wax has changed from solid to liquid. Again the wax combines with the atmospheric oxygen and changes to carbon dioxide, heat and light. Thus both the changes are accompanied by the burning of the candle.
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Burning of candle is both physical and chemical change. Burning of candle melts the wax and hence physical state of wax has changed from solid to liquid. Again the wax combines with the atmospheric oxygen and changes to carbon dioxide heat and light. Thus both the changes are accompanied by the burning of candle
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