Half a swarm of bees went to collect honey from a mustard field. Three fourth of the rest went to a rose garden. The rest ten were still undecided. How many bees were there in all
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Therefore, their were 80 bees in all.

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There are total of 80 bees in the swarm.
Step-by-step explanation:
Let the total number of bees in the swarm be 'x'.
Now according to question,
Half a swarm of bees went to collect honey from a mustard field.
number of bees went to collect honey from a mustard field =
Also Given:
Three fourth of the rest went to a rose garden.
number of bees went to rose garden =
Number of bees undecided = 10
Now we know that;
total number of bees is equal to sum of number of bees went to collect honey from a mustard field and number of bees went to rose garden and Number of bees undecided.
framing in equation form we get;
Now making the denominator common using LCM we get;
Hence there are total of 80 bees in the swarm.
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