Half baked knowledge is always dangerous. Rushing to conclusions without going deep into the details of things always lead to uninvited chaos and disasters. Explain the above mentioned statements in the light of Think-tank's interpretations of the rhymes of the book "Mother Goose".
half knowledge is dangerous because half knowledge I don't understand and do any work without understanding is the dangerous
There is nothing more dangerous than half-baked knowledge. Truth is not skin-deep. And so is knowledge. We have to take a comprehensive view of things. We have to go deep into the details before coming out with sweeping generalisations. Sweeping statements are never good statements. Sometimes misinterpretation of things leads to unavoidable disasters. Think-Tank symbolises how a half-baked the mind could have led to an invasion on another planet.
Think-Tank excelled in misinterpreting and misrepresenting things. When they saw books they could not identify what they were. He jumped to one conclusion after the other. He interpreted them as sandwiches. He misinterpreted the words “had a great fall’ to his own downfall. He screamed and at once ordered to evacuate the entire Mars immediately. He felt that Mars was being invaded soon. He decided to escape without delay in a space shuttle. He told that they could go a hundred million miles away from Mars.