Hall effect in p type semiconductors derivation
Hall Effect in p-type semiconductor
If the magnetic field is applied to a p-type semiconductor, the majority carriers (holes) and the minority carriers (free electrons) are pushed down towards the bottom surface of the p-type semiconductor. ... So the hall voltage produced in the p-type semiconductor is positive.
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Hall effect in p type semiconductors:
In p-type semiconductors the majority carriers are holes and minority carriers are electrons. Thus on applying magnetic field to the p-type semiconductor, the majority and minority carriers are pushed downwards to the bottom of the semiconductor.
Since the minority carriers are negligible, the majority carriers are pushed to the bottom.
As a result, the bottom of the p-type semiconductor is positively charged and the surface is negatively charged.
Thus, the electric field is perpendicular to the magnetic field and the resulting voltage is positive due to the presence of majority of positively charged holes.
The Voltage due to Hall effect is given by
where, = Hall Voltage
I = Current flowing through the material
B = Magnetic field
q = charge
n = number of mobile charge carriers per unit volume
d = thickness of the material