English, asked by ajaysholanki7, 2 months ago

Halves and Quarters
Mintu cat and Mottu cat were friends. Once they stole a o
from Malini's kitchen. I will take it - said Mintu. No, I will
said Mottu. While they were quarrelling, there cam
Monkey. Hi! What is the problem? why are you quarrelling
asked. "We don't know how to divide this chapati between
the cats said. OKI don't worry. I will divide the chapati equ
both of you-he said. Clever Tittu divided the chapati like​


Answered by tejithasloka


one big and one small and he gave they said one is big and one is small so monkey ante some in the big once and now the ate capati is small than the other again monkey ate the big the process was continued

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