English, asked by nikki776, 9 months ago

हम इनमें से केवल तीन
संख्याओं को जोड़कर
60 कैसे प्राप्त कर
सकते हैं: 2, 6, 10,
14,18,22, 26, 30,
34, 38, 42, 46, 50,
54, और 58?​


Answered by Nishika20


Topic - Algebraic Sum

The given problem asks to find three numbers from the given numbers whose sum will be 60.

However, it is not possible to find the required sum by using an addition operation (+) only.

Going in a different way!

So what do we do exactly?

- To use three numbers in such a way that the value has to be 60.

6! ÷ (10 + 2) = 60

54 + √(30 + 6) = 60

50 + √(54 + 46) = 60

Mark as brainliest

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