Happiness can't be purchased, then where from we get happiness ?
You can get happiness from meditation or you can spend time with your family and friends .
Because real happiness come from within.............
Yes, correct! Happiness can't be purchased. Or maybe that sentence is wrong ?
We mistake the word purchase by existence of exchange of a small piece of paper called money or few jewellery or something economically valued.
According to me happiness can be purchased in return of doing good. I again sound like a motivational speaker. Let's just consider this.
"Money Can't Buy Happiness"
But the truth is , it can buy . Again , it can not not be called a happiness in a self contented level. I mean , try deleting everything from this world in your life. Well ! let me help you.
- Delete your phone or luxurious device you are looking at right now from your life. (Feeling happy? )
- Delete your studies and school. (feeling happy? In some cases it might be "yes , unless you don't have any goal in field of studies)
- Delete your luxurious home. (Wallet empty?)
- Now delete you family member including your parents (do you feel happy?) No?
What I'm trying to tell is happiness is the most precious thing that supports you emotionally, that's where your happiness lies.
Forget everything and appreciate the wonders of happiness.
From where you should get happiness?
A temporary and non self contented happiness can be gained from anywhere . By gaining achievements. Only a happiness on personal level be gained from the real time precious thing which actually don't have any economic value , but it's world to you!