Harads of plastic pollution letter

21st June is declared by United Nations Organization (UNO) as the International Day of Yoga with the slogan, “Yoga for Peace and Harmony”. This declaration is a formal acknowledgement of the universality as regards acceptance and popularity of Yoga all over the world. This declaration is a feather in the cap of India as regards its national and ancient heritage that is Yoga. When all the Institutes / Schools and practitioners of Yoga in the country are preparing for celebrating the International Day of Yoga in their own ways following the Common Yoga Protocol laid down by the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India, it is in order to take a perspective as regards the essence and efficacy of Yoga.
Essence of Yoga
Yoga is one of the six (Shad Darsana) aastika or orthodox[1] Indian philosophies which, like the other five[2] philosophies, aims at liberating man ultimately from the miseries and sufferings (dukha) of human existence. It is a Moksha Shastra and hence the final goal of all Yoga practices is Moksha (spiritual freedom) or Kaivalya. On the path towards this goal all the dimensions of human personality are benefited – these dimensions being social, personal, physical, physiological, mental, psychological, intellectual and spiritual. Hence, on the path of Yoga the total personality of the human being is developed. But this development of the personality is a means to the final goal of Kaivalya and not an end in itself. To put it differently, personality development or physical and mental health are bye products on the path of Yoga and not the ultimate purpose of Yoga practices. Hence, being attracted to Yoga for making the body beautiful or fit or getting health benefits or relief from ailments (which is what is happening today) may be under-utilizing the potential of Yoga, if not misusing Yoga. It has to be recognized that the true spirit of yoga lies in its preventive aspect rather than its therapeutic aspect. Yoga, as practiced in ancient times, is a lifestyle and not a style of life!
Efficacy of Yoga
Yoga practices yield unimaginable positive effects and without any adverse effects! They cater towards both, health and healing, in the empirical world. There is hardly any other discipline or regimen which caters to the total personality of human being as Yoga does. Practicing of Yogic principles, which is the same as ‘being Yogic’, renders one conflict-free in society. It makes the body beautiful, fit and healthy. Mind becomes peaceful and calm and intellectually sharper. With increasing awareness levels resulting from practicing Yoga an individual is unburdened of his heavy conditioning and rigid habit patterns. He is able to take more from the moment and ultimately more from life. The Yoga practitioner does experience glimpses of the “peace that passeth all understanding”.
Realization of Essence and Efficacy of Yoga
The most significant condition for realizing the essence of Yoga and enjoying the efficacy of its practices is that the practitioner needs to practice (abhyasa) Yoga for prolonged period with perseverance, without any break and with full faith and respect towards it[3].
Contribution of Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham to Yoga
K.J. Somaiya’s Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham (BSP) is gradually and definitely making its presence felt in the firmament of Yoga. It is an institute to reckon with when it comes to its contribution in the Yoga field. It initiates an individual into Yoga with its Certificate Course and P. G. Diploma Course and sustaining the interest of the adherent encourages the pursuing of its B. A. and M.A. in Yoga Shastra Degree Courses. To complete the journey of Yoga Education, it is one of the few Institutes which offer Ph. D. in Yoga.
The strength of BSP is that it generates Yoga sadhakas who are not only well-versed in the physical practices of Yoga but who are also thoroughly knowledgeable in the theoretical and philosophical aspects.
The Hazards of Plastic Pollution
The massive accumulation of plastic waste in the environment, whether on land or in water is known as plastic pollution. Plastic products are not bio-degradable and can remain unchanged for many years. Plastic are cheap and can be used to manufacture many products. But the overuse of plastics products has become a hazard for the environment and the existence of life.
The dumping of plastic bags, plastic bottles, etc. has created an unhygienic condition to the environment of our towns and cities. Heaps of plastic litters can be seen wherever man has set foot. The drainage systems are clogged with plastic bags and plastic bottles causing avoidable water logging and flood. Water ponds, lakes, and the rivers are polluted with plastic waste.
Plastic products including plastic bags are often disposed of by burning and this releases poisonous gases into the atmosphere. This pollutes the air we breathe and increases global warming.
Plastic pollution is growing and so is the danger it poses to life. We must seriously adopt the preventive measures because our survival depends on it.
Photo Courtesy: WHO
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