English, asked by sheena3, 1 year ago

hardwork beats talent any day - a long speech


Answered by ambertanweer11

You may think that success is only available to people who are naturally gifted or people who are ‘born lucky’. Many people say this of successful people, that they ‘got lucky’. It’s sometimes the case, but for the most part, it’s the result of very hard work.

Getting to the top is not easy, at least not at the moment. It might become easy in the future, but for now we have to work hard to achieve great things. There is a quote which explains why talent isn’t the whole story. Talent means a natural tendency to be good at a particular thing. It can vary from person to person, but it generally means a ‘knack’ for something.There are many people who although talented, have wasted their gifts and just not worked hard to support themselves. These types of people might be famous and well known, but in the long term and the bigger picture, fade into the background when really skillful and ‘hard working’ people come into the scene

The more work you put into something the more you’ll get out. If you want to become a really fit, athletic person then workout. Eat the right food and although you may not have a natural ‘talent’ or aptitude for it at first in time and with a focused amount of really hard work you’ll become a master.

People will consider you talented but what’s really happened is that you’ve become a master through repetition, belief and hard work! It’s the best way to be because then you know that when you’ve ‘made it’ in whatever avenue of life you’re going down, it’s well deserved. You’ve fought your way to the top and now you can enjoy being a king! (Or queen).

sheena3: awsome yaar
sheena3: superb
sheena3: Thanks
ambertanweer11: ur wlcum...
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