Hari bought two fans for Rs.2,400 each. He sold one at a loss of 10% and the other at a profit of 15%. Find the gain or loss percentage in the whole transaction.
Rs. 120
Step-by-step explanation:
Cost of each fan = 2400
Loss on F1 = 10%
Profit on F2 = 15%
For F1:
SP=CP−10% of CP
For F2 :
SP=CP+15% of CP
SP=2400+ 15/100×2400=2760
Total SP=2160+2760=4920
Total CP=2×2400=4800
Profit or Loss=SP−CP=120
- Question:- Hari bought two fans for Rs.2,400 each. He sold one at a loss of 10% and the other at a profit of 15%. Find the gain or loss percentage in the whole transaction.
Hari makes a profit of rupees 120
Cost of each fan =2400
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1 =10%
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1 =10% Profit on F
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1 =10% Profit on F 2
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1 =10% Profit on F 2
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1 =10% Profit on F 2 =15%
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1 =10% Profit on F 2 =15%For F
Cost of each fan =2400Loss on F 1 =10% Profit on F 2 =15%For F 1:
:SP=CP−10% of CP
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400−
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 100
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CP
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 100
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 10015
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 10015
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 10015 ×2400=2760
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 10015 ×2400=2760Total SP=2160+2760=4920
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 10015 ×2400=2760Total SP=2160+2760=4920Total CP=2×2400=4800
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 10015 ×2400=2760Total SP=2160+2760=4920Total CP=2×2400=4800Profit or Loss=SP−CP=120 (Positive)
:SP=CP−10% of CPSP=2400− 10010 ×2400=2160For F 2 :SP=CP+15% of CPSP=2400+ 10015 ×2400=2760Total SP=2160+2760=4920Total CP=2×2400=4800Profit or Loss=SP−CP=120 (Positive)Hence, Hari makes a profit of Rs.120
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