English, asked by jit5, 1 year ago

harmful effects of watching crimes and violence on tv


Answered by shiva2004
As we turn on the television today, there seems to be more shows that have violence in them then ever before. The same goes true for movies and video games which the violence has a damaging effect on the society. Studies done over the last forty years show that there is a link between media violence and an increase in violet acts committed by juveniles 

Since the 1950's many college professors studied how crime in cartoons and TV shows affected young children They found that after watching the cartoons the children are more aggressive immediately afterward. Also when the parents are involved the child seems to be less aggressive as well 

Scientist today say that crime images may be a factor as to why young kids chose a life of crime. Yet if their parents are involved in their everyday lives they are less likely to live a life of crime 

Parents have a big responsibility to make sure that their children are watching the right television shows. Even though there are some parents out there who do not care what their children watch there are ways to educate parents what these shows are doing to our children. 
Answered by ronak18
when we saw crimes episodes there were very violence and discomfort
we not want to see tje crime video
some people are badly affected by crime seeing crime eposides but their parents are not take care of his child some parents only ok. butnow a days there was more more more crimes in the world most of people were murdered or killed because of the television .when we saw movies there was action and that action make the studends unstudyable and not concentration on the work
the studends replay the action or dialogs in the class or some other places
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