English, asked by tarunvardhaman2004, 1 year ago

harmfull effect of plastic 150 words


Answered by Lusfa
Harmful Effects of Plastic Bags

 Though plastic is quite useful, yet it causes pollution everywhere. Let’s see how it pollutes our environment. Plastics have become almost an integral part of each and every human being’s life on the planet. There is no company, manufacturer, seller that does not use plastic. Plastics have become ubiquitous. The consumption of plastics across the globe is quite staggering. According to oceancrusaders.org shoppers worldwide are using approximately 500 billion single-use plastic bags per year.

 The problem with most of the plastics is their toxicity, strength, and the ability to last long in all types of weather or climate conditions. Plastic bags would not be as dangerous if they would decompose on their own. 

Though they are quite useful to human beings, but they are very dangerous for environment and animals. The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration has confirmed plastic debris kills approximately 100,000 marine mammals every year, as well as millions of birds and fishes.

The need of the hour is to replace plastic with environmental friendly materials. All of us need to join our hands to fight this menace and preserve our beautiful environment. We must stop using plastic altogether. The governments of various nations, including our national Government have launched anti-plastic campaigns. We can make these campaigns by saying ‘NO TO PLASTIC’.

how is it?? tell me in this comment

Lusfa: how is it??
vipun: good
Lusfa: hey
Lusfa: thanks
Answered by SelieVisa


Adverse effects of plastic

Plastics are things or objects made of organic polymers or synthetic compounds.

Plastic products like plastic bottles and plastic bags are not bio-degradable and can remain unchanged for many years. This adversely affects the fertility and the quality of the soil.

Plastics products including plastic bags are a health hazard. Exposure to toxic chemicals emitted by plastics causes cancer, decreases the effectiveness of the immune system, and are responsible for many other diseases.

Dumping of plastic bags, plastic bottles, etc. has created an unhygienic condition to our environment. Plastic litters has become a major pollution to our surrounding.

Our freshwater sources like rivers and lakes are becoming dumpsters for plastic bags. This results in scarcity of drinking water.

Plastic products, especially plastic bags find their way into rivers and oceans. They are swallowed by fish, seabirds, and other marine creatures leading to death by suffocation.

Plastic bags, plastic bottles and other discarded plastic products do not decompose naturally. They accumulate in drainage and sewerage systems and block the flow of water causing waterlogging.

Plastic products including plastic bags are often disposed off by burning and this releases poisonous gases into the atmosphere. This pollutes the air we breathe and increases global warming.

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