History, asked by sukanyamanhas1327, 3 months ago

Harsh Vardhan was a devotee of religion.


Answered by Abhiram5566


Harshavardhana was a devotee of Mahayana Buddhism.


He had conducted a huge Buddhist Religious council at Kannauj in 643 AD for religious debate.and to felicitate Xuanzang (also known as Huan Tsang) and the council was presided over by Xuanzanfg. Where 20 Kings, 1000 Scholars, more than 3000 Buddhists monks, 3000 Brahmins and Jains participated in his council, And a gold.en statu.e of Buddh.a, which was as tall as the ki.ng, was ins.ta.lled in Auditor.ium. The Counc.il was continu.ed for 23 days.

Answered by krithikasmart11

Answer: Harsh Vardhan was a devotee of religion Mahayana school of Buddhism


However, in the latter half of his reign, Harsha became a proponent of the Mahayana school of Buddhism. It is speculated that his strong affinity for Mahayanism sprang from his close contact with Hiuen Tsang, the Chinese 'Master of the Law.' There is no question that Hiuen Tsang was a very knowledgeable Buddhist. By his time, the Mahayana Buddhism had enslaved the whole country and population of China. Hiuen Tsang travelled to India, the birthplace of Buddha and the sacred region of Buddhism, to learn more about the religion and its philosophy. His effect on Harsha grew tremendously. Harsha, too, regarded him highly.


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