______has the advantage of obtaining data directly rather than through the participant's
a. Survey
b. Case study
c. Observation
d. Interview
Advantages of Observation:
(1) Simplest Method: ...
(2) Useful for Framing Hypothesis: ...
(3) Greater Accuracy: ...
(4) An Universal Method: ...
(5) Observation is the Only Appropriate Tool for Certain Cases: ...
(6) Independent of People's Willingness to Report: ...
(1) Some of the Occurrences may not be
Observation has the advantage of obtaining data directly rather than through the participant's perspective
Systematic social observation
The benefits of systematic social observation over participant observation include (1) conducting observations with a specific goal to gather data about the focus group of study subjects, (2) focusing only on certain behaviours of the focus group rather than all behaviours as it is in participant observation, (3) systematic recording of the observed behaviours, and (4) increased rates of validity and reliability that become possible (Odgers, Caspi, Bates, Sampson, & Moffitt, 2012). Because of the higher validity and reliability made possible by the application of the systematic components of observation organisation, this sort of research design provides benefits similar to those of participant observation but outperforms them.
The drawbacks of participant observation data collection include the need for an expensive staff to conduct the research observations, the research's potential length, the challenge of integrating the observer covertly and without publicity, potential bias or subjectivity displayed by the observer, the inability to discern meaning, and the difficulty of identifying meaningful behaviour to observe (Becker, 1958). As a result, the competence and readiness of the professionals doing the observations, as well as their high level of professionalism, are crucial to the reliability and validity of this sort of research study design.
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