have you ever come across any situation in life where it had become difficult to take the right decision? describe that situation , the dilemma you went through and the decision you finally took. did you have to regret your decision later?
This is the correct answer for this question
This is not the time for dramatic confessions. No one wants to be the candidate who, halfway through their interview, finds the recruiter furtively dialling 999 because they’ve just admitted a felony. Workplace dilemmas are typically more likely to be about potential grey areas than jailable offences: for example, what’s the trade-off between a good deal for the organisation and a good deal for the client… between being ambitious and stepping on colleagues – or doing a deal that helps one group of people but not others, indeed perhaps puts others at a disadvantage
You may feel you’ve never encountered a genuinely challenging ethical dilemma in the workplace. However, if you give this tricky graduate job interview question some thought in advance, you should be able to identify a situation you’ve come across where there could be different points of view about the right course of action. Here are some replies to avoid, as well as an example that could be opened up for further discussion in your interview.
When I was a university society treasurer, someone accidentally overpaid fees for a group event. Initially I pocketed the difference and was on my way to a betting shop to increase the return when my conscience said “Hi”, and then I gave the money to the donkey sanctuary.’
‘I’ve always found honesty is the best policy.’
‘I always give money to a homeless person in the street although part of me wants to walk on by and keep my money.’
Hope it's helpful for you