Have you ever explored any Indian heritage gallery? There are so many to see! Did you ever wish you could design one? Well, guess, what? You are about to design one such!!You have to help, put the fencing up for the different exhibits, and make sure that every heritage should have proper space for its set up. This will put your knowledge of perimeter and area to the test. Also, this would be your minute contribution towards acquainting the natives of the country with the rich and varied heritage of the nation, which is the need of the hour.
• The design must have the passage for the visitors to move from one exhibit to another.
• The gallery design must have an entrance, a ticket counter and an exit.
• There must be at least one casualty room and an eatery inside the gallery.
• There must be space for at least 10 different explorable sites in the gallery.
• The overall area of the gallery should not exceed 378 square units
• The minimum space an exhibit should get is 16 square units.
• There must be a statue of unity in the gallery, whose exhibit’s perimeter should be at least 20 units.
• There must be some green area/park for the visitors to sit.
• If you want, you can have a fountain in the design around the green area.
• (Assessment criteria: Presentation, originality, calculations, neatness.)
please answer for brainliest
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I don't know what the problem is that the new year to the project is a fair note mam Iam M.Arathana thanks mam s o much mam and next four years ago
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thanks my answer please
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