Have you ever thought about the pros and cons of staying in a boarding school? Does staying away from home make young people homesick or more independent?write a eassy in 200 words
advantage: Almost all boarding school children find that they are more independent and self-reliant than their other peers. They have to solve daily problems themselves, like organising for soap when they run out or making sure that their school uniforms are washed and ironed.Unlike traditional schools, boarding schools for children have the pupils live on campus. They have their classes together, meals together, and live in common housing. Children go home during the summer holidays, between grades, and some schools even allow children to go home on the weekends. As with other schools, you must look at what option will suit your child. There is no way to make a broad conclusion as to whether boarding schools are good or bad. Each child is an individual with individual needs and each school has a different mission statement and vision. The trick is to find a school that matches your child’s temperament and needs.There are numerous advantages to sending your child to a boarding school, some of them surprising. Here are some of these advantages.Almost all boarding school children find that they are more independent and self-reliant than their other peers. They have to solve daily problems themselves, like organising for soap when they run out or making sure that their school uniforms are washed and ironed.Boarding students live a more regimented life than their peers. Meal times are set as is study time. If they are allowed to watch TV, it is also closely regulated.As the children begin to do things, small and big, on their own, they will start building up more confidence in their own abilities. Boarding schools expose children to many activities like social service, art, drama, and carpentry amongst others. disadvantages:You too might find that the separation from your child is emotionally too difficult.Some other risks include bullying which can be especially hard to weed out in boarding schools where children spend most of their time together.With regular schools, children can leave the school and remove themselves from the pressure of excelling at studies. However, in a boarding school, the pressure is constant.Only the extracurricular activities provided by the school are given any importance or attention. If your child has any special talents, this will not be given the attention it needs to flourish.