have you experienced that by repeating certain ideas to yourself, you began to believe them? when those pleasant or unpleasant?
here is your answer
In Ancient Greece, the philosopher Socrates famously declared that the unexamined life was not worth living. Asked to sum up what all philosophical commandments could be reduced to, he replied: ‘Know yourself.’ Knowing yourself has extraordinary prestige in our culture. It has been framed as quite literally the meaning of life. Socrates_and_Alcibiades,_Christoffer_Wilhelm_Eckersberg (1) This sounds, when one hears it, highly plausible, yet so plausible it’s worth pausing to ask a few more questions. Just why is self-knowledge such a prestigious good? What are the dangers that come with a lack of self-knowledge? And what do we in fact need to know about ourselves? How do we come to learn such things? And why is self-knowledge difficult to attain? When we speak about self-knowledge, we’re alluding to a particular kind of knowledge – generally of an emotional or psychological kind. There are a million things you could potentially know about yourself. Here are some options:
On what day of the week were you born?
Were you able to pick up a raisin between your fore-finger and thumb when you were five months old?
Are you more an introvert or an extrovert?
How does your relationship with your father influence your career ambitions?
What kind of picnic person are you: morning or evening? River-bank, park or hill?
14383273638_bce4fe94c6_k Most of us would recognise that questions 3 and 4 are ones worth knowing; the others, not so much. In other words, not everything that we can know about ourselves is all that important to find out. Here we want to focus on the areas of self-knowledge that matter most in life: the areas concerned with the inner psychological core of the self. The key bits of self-knowledge we’ll be interested in are: – what kind of person are you characteristically attracted to in love – what difficult patterns of behaviour are you prey to in relationships – what are your talents at work – what problems do you have around success/failure – how are you about feedback – what do you do when you have been frustrated by life – what kind of taste do you have – can you distinguish between your passing bodily-based emotions and your more rational thoughts 8894271237_e995848419_z If you have solid answers to these issues, you’ll be able to speak of yourself as someone with an adequate degree of self-knowledge. ONE: WHY AND WHERE DOES SELF-KNOWLEDGE MATTER? Self-knowledge is important for one central reason: because it offers us a route to greater happiness and fulfilment. A lack of self-knowledge leaves you open to accident and mistaken ambitions. Armed with the right sort of self-knowledge, we have a greater chance of avoiding errors in our dealings with others and in the formulation of our life choices. 3171111654_f6d6a53495_z