CBSE BOARD X, asked by jattlife67, 1 year ago

Have you faced with any kind of fear till date, or do you have a fear about something,for example people have aquaphobia,fear of water, fear of height,etc.Have you overcome any such fears or how can you overcome fear???


Answered by atahrv


Yes, fear of Height.


1. Prepare yourself

If you know that you are going to be in a situation that will expose you to acrophobic symptoms, take time to prepare yourself for the encounter, such as tandem skydiving.

2. Take it slow

In the modern era, we’ve done away with that poppycock. Enlightened psychologists still recommend that people confront their fear, but that they approach it steadily, at their own pace. To proceed, set small goals–like, for instance, working an inch closer to a certain balcony railing every day. Success happens sooner than you’d think.

3. Visualize success.

With eyes closed, visualize in detail all of the security precautions that will surround you in the situation you’re about to enter. Feel the solidity of the barrier; feel the comforting hug of the harness; in your mind’s eye, slide your hand along the railing. Let these feelings sink into your subconscious, where they can help you when your heart starts pounding.

4. Breathe

Anxiety-inducing situations have the unnerving tendency to make people forget to breathe–and not breathing makes anxiety so much worse. Make sure you get plenty of oxygen to the brain by taking deep, regular belly breaths.

5. Take it easy on yourself

Acrophobia doesn’t dissolve in a day. Allow yourself the time and space you need to work on this challenge, without pressure or judgment. Be as gentle with yourself as you’d be with a beloved friend, and allow a less-acrophobic self to develop organically. You owe yourself that self-kindness!

Answered by wwwseenalingampalli


yes, i faced fear when the result date is come .

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