have you heard of any such community
panchayat in your area discuss ithave your hair of any such community panchayat in your area discuss its functioning with your teacher parents and elders
As per the eleventh Schedule of the 73rd change of the Constitution of Asian nation Education as well as primary and secondary school, Technical training and education, Adult and non-formal education and Libraries represent the twenty nine subjects transferred to the Panchayats.
Role of panchayats:
1) Checking for dropouts and irregular attending in faculties.
2) Promoting awards/ incentives/certificates/gifts etc. publicly gathering to kids as a mark of recognizing their achievements in lecturers /sports/games etc.
3) Facilitating special wants kids to access faculties/special schools.
4) Liaising with relevant departments/agencies to boost the facilities and infrastructure of Anganwadis.
5) Promoting incentives, teaching learning materials, stationary etc. to those kids listed in preschools/ Anganwadis.
6) Strengthening pre-school Anganwadi welfare committees.