Sociology, asked by ghhg627, 1 year ago

Have you heard of Bal Panchayats and Mazdoor Kissan Sanghathan? If not, find out and write a note about them in about 200 words.


Answered by Anonymous

Bal Panchayat – The Bal Panchayat system is very common in my school and all the schools nearby. Actually nowadays the Bal Panchayat system is followed by schools in form of prefectoral system.

1. All the students of my school are divided into four houses named as Shivaji, Tagore, Ashoka, Raman (STAR).

2. Each house has a House Master and 5 perfects. In all total there are 20 prefects in the school. They are selected on the basis of their academics, leadership traits and their contribution towards the curricular and co-curricular activities of school and house.

3. The principal, teachers and these 20 perfects select the head boy and head girl of the school.

4. The head boy and head girl are responsible for -

a. Discipline in School,

b. School environment,

c. Curricular and extra-curricular activities,

5. They also listen to the complaints of the students and act as a spokesperson for students to the school management.

6. The head boy and head girl coordinates with the principal, headmasters, house master and the 20 perfect and helps in proper functioning of the transport system, maintenance of assets of schools, maintaining of sports club and taking care of school property and school discipline.

Mazdoor Sanghathan – Mazdoor Sangathan means the labour Union.

1. The very first labour Union of India named as All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was established in 1922, it was initiated by the Congress party but later on the communist took over the control in 1929.

2. The Other trade unions like

a. Indian Trade Union Congress was found by Congress

b. Hind Mazdoor Sabha by socialist and

c. Bharatiya Mazdoor Sabha by Bharatiya Janata Party

3. These trade unions played an important role in deciding the recruitment and wage policy in India. They also took effort to develop a political and social awareness among the workers and to improve their living conditions.

Kissan Sanghathan – Kisan Sangathan are the groups of farmers.

1) At very first Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel took the initiative and established all India Kisan Sabha so as to make the farmers united but it failed due to the caste and class conflict.

2) In 1978 All India Kisan Kamgar Sammelan was formed due to the motivation of Shri Raz Narain and Chaudhary Charan Singh.

3) Many more steps were taken by many politicians and farmers to organise the farmers of India but even today the farmers are not well organised pressure groups.

Plz mark as Brainliest , I need It

Its BY Bad.......

Answered by aburaihana123


The Bal Panchayat system is followed in many schools, including mine. In my school, students are divided into four houses, called Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Every house has a set of prefects and a captain. These are selected on the basis of leadership attributes, academic performance and participation extra curricular activites and sports.This is a fair way to select worthy candidates and gives equal opportunity to every student. This gives a great platform to the young minds to bring about a change.  

Mazdoor Sangathan means the labour union. It was first set up in year 1922 by the Congress party. In 1929, the Communist party took the reins of it in their hands. These Mazdoor Kissan Sangathan played a crucial role in introducing social and economic reforms for the labourers of India  and also increasing awareness about their rights.    

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