English, asked by santosprincess036, 2 months ago

Have you heard of the anecdote about two men in Mars who were looking down at the people on Earth? As they looked, they wondered why they were acurrying about One said replied, "they are going " But " said the first, "where are they going?" Oh" said the other, "they are not going anywhere. They're just going " .And concludes the narrator, " to go just anywhere is the surest way to arrive nowhere. "So, where,then, should we really be going? the following verse may give us direction:

Do more than move; improve
Do more than get; give
Do more than regret; repent
Do more than look; see
Do more than sympathize; help
Do more than attend church; worship
Do more than have children; rear them
Do more than build a house;make a home
Do more than breathe ; live
Do more than live; love.

1. According to the verse, what should be our goal? why should this be our goal?

2. Is this goal easy to achive? why or why not?​


Answered by CyborgXmenBrainly

Answer:Do more than move; improve

Do more than get; give

Do more than regret; repent

Do more than look; see

Do more than sympathize; help

Do more than attend church; worship

Do more than have children; rear them

Do more than build a house;make a home

Do more than breathe ; live

Do more than live; love.

Explanation: Have you heard of the anecdote about two men in Mars who were looking down at the people on Earth? As they looked, they wondered why they were acurrying about One said replied, "they are going " But " said the first, "where are they going?" Oh" said the other, "they are not going anywhere. They're just going " .And concludes the narrator, " to go just anywhere is the surest way to arrive nowhere. "So, where,then, should we really be going? the following verse may give us direction:According to the verse, what should be our goal? why should this be our goal?Is this goal easy to achive? why or why not?​

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